2023 Forum Agenda

Day 1 - NOVEMBER 6

7:30am MT

Crave Restaurant, Mezzanine Level (2nd floor), Banff Park Lodge

8:30am MT

Broadband 101

Michael B. McNally - Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Studies, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta

9:30am MT

Municipal Owned Fiber Networks

Ryan Angelo - Team Leader, City of Calgary

10:15am MT

Coffee & Networking Break

10:45am MT

Open Access Networking

Greg Potter - President, Foothills Fibre Cooperative

11:30am MT

Community Broadband Update - Village of Standard

Merle Isaacson - Co-founder, Connect Mobility

12:15pm MT


1:15pm MT

Update from MLA Sarah Elmeligi

Sarah Elmeligi - NDP MLA Elect, Banff-Kananaskis and Opposition Critic for Tourism, Sport and Recreation

2:15pm MT

Connecting the community through the value and benefits of collaborative IT purchasing

Mary Friedrich - ShareIT Manager, Cybera
Erik Krochak - ShareIT Project Lead, Cybera
Anna Kosmala - ShareIT Project Lead,  Cybera

3:00pm MT

Coffee & Networking Break

3:30pm MT

Panel Discussion
Building Broadband in Alberta

Joe Hickey - CEO, Rock Networks

Johann Reimer - Director, Sales & Marketing, Canadian Fibre Optic

Jerico Vanbarant - CEO, MCSnet

4:30pm MT

Update from the CRTC

Nirmala Naidoo, CRTC Commissioner for Alberta and NWT

4:50pm MT

Closing Remarks to Day 1 of the Alberta Rural Connectivity Forum

5:00pm - 7:00pm MT

Attendee Mixer
Terrace Lounge, First Floor, Banff Park Lodge

Day 2 - NOVEMBER 7

7:30am MT


8:40am MT

Update from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)

Mark Saunders - Manager, Spectrum Policy Branch, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada / Government of Canada

9:45am MT

Competition Policy in Canada

Michael B. McNally - Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Studies, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta

Gregory Taylor, PhD - Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Media and Film, University of Calgary

10:15am MT

Coffee & Networking Break

10:30am MT

Open Speed Test Data and the Digital Divide

Zachary Shand - Senior Data Scientist, Cybera

11:30am MT

The Connectivity Crisis in First Nations Communities

Jason Neepin - Executive Director, Broadband Communications North

12:25pm MT

Closing Remarks to the Alberta Rural Connectivity Forum

12:30pm MT


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