The Alberta Rural Connectivity Coalition logo may only be used by individuals who are members of the coalition, or by external organizations authorized by the Alberta Rural Connectivity Coalition.
The logo should be displayed and used according to the following guidelines:
- A minimum space must be maintained surrounding the logo to separate it from other components of a communications piece. The amount of space depends on the size of the logo. Please contact info@abconnectivity.ca if you have any questions.
- The logo design must always be used on its own; it must not be included as part of another design.
- Enlarging and reducing the logo must be undertaken using proportional scaling only, in order to maintain the original proportions of the logo.
The Alberta Rural Connectivity Coalition logo may not be used on any commercial product or publication that directly or implicitly conveys that the content is authorized or associated with the organization, without the express written permission of the organization.
Use of the official Alberta Rural Connectivity Coalition logo is a privilege, not a right. No other use of the official logo is permitted without the express written permission of Alberta Rural Connectivity Coalition.
For inquiries, authorization, and additonal formats, please contact info@abconnectivity.ca.
To download logos please right-click [control + click] on the desired logo and select "save image as".
RGB - colour

RGB - white

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